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Collected Wisdom from 6.5 Billion Pocket Saves

Over the past 10 years, Pocket readers have hit save 6.5 billion times. Zoom in to those saves, and you’ll find some of the greatest life advice the internet has to offer—the pieces we all save, and return to, again and again.

Pocket Collections

Read when you’ve got time to spare.

The Vitamin Myth: Why We Think We Need Supplements (2013)

Paul Offit
The Atlantic

Nutrition experts contend that all we need is what’s typically found in a routine diet. Industry representatives, backed by a fascinating history, argue that foods don’t contain enough, and we need supplements. Fortunately, many excellent studies have now resolved the issue.

The Play Deficit (2013)

Peter Gray

Children today are cossetted and pressured in equal measure. Without the freedom to play they will never grow up.

The Day I Stopped Saying ‘Hurry Up’ (2013)

Rachel Macy Stafford

Although the words “hurry up” did little if nothing to increase my child’s speed, I said them anyway. Maybe even more than the words, “I love you.” The truth hurts, but the truth heals... and brings me closer to the parent I want to be.

The Only Technique to Learn Something New (2015)

James Altucher
Boing Boing

I had a friend who wanted to get better at painting. But she thought she had to be in Paris, with all the conditions right. She never made it to Paris. Now she sits in a cubicle under fluorescent lights, filling out paperwork all day.