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The Best Indoor Plants to Keep the Air Clean in Your Home

If you're looking to update your house, but don't want to make permanent or drastic changes, all you need is some greenery.

The Telegraph

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snake plants

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When it comes to interior decorating, there is no easier or more affordable way to upgrade your space than a few good houseplants.

In fact, the best indoor plants not only bring a bit of the great outdoors inside, but clean the air around us, creating something of a beautiful, air-purifying art installation. Many people even find that plant-care is their preferred kind of self-care.

Easy to care for, resilient and a quick way to inject some nature into your living room - no wonder houseplants have made a comeback in recent years. What's more is that they can also clean the air in your home.

For green-fingered newbies, it can be hard to know where to start. Here, we've done the work for you and compiled the best indoor plants for any space. But first, let's start with the basics. 

What is the best indoor plant to clean the air?

All houseplants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen through photosynthesis. But is that all? In 1989, NASA conducted research to see if they could be used to filter air in sealed environments such as a spaceship or moon base. The resulting paper — "Interior Landscape Plants for Indoor Air Pollution Abatement" — was a revelation to houseplant lovers. 

It showed that some plants have the ability through their leaves, roots and associated microrganisms in the soil to reduce concentrations in the air of potentially carcinogenic irritants like trichlorethylene (found in solvents and cleaners), benzene (found in paints and detergents) and formaldehyde (found in fuels, cigarettes and building materials). These were the plants NASA found to be the most effective...

Red-edged dracaena (Dracaena marginata)

In the NASA study, plants of the Dracaena family were found to remove 18 per cent of trichlorethylene and 79 per cent of benzene from the room per day. However, they can be toxic to plant-nibbling cats and dogs. Dracaene is slow-growing, but can reach up to 8ft in height - so pop it in a living room with high ceilings and moderate sunlight.

Snake plant (Sansevieria)

Snake plants - also known as Mother-in-law's Tongue - were found to remove 52 per cent of benzene and 13 per cent of trichlorethylene from the room per day. Another unique trait of this plant is that it is one of the few that can convert carbon dioxide into oxygen overnight - regulating airflow, as well as being great for living room decor.

Barberton daisy (Gerbera jamesonii)

This colourful flowering houseplant was found to remove 68 per cent of benzene, 35 per cent of trichlorethylene and 50 per cent of formaldehyde from the room per day in NASA's study. Keep it in direct sunlight with well-drained soil for tall flowers in red, yellow, orange, or pink.

Broadleaf Lady Palm (Rhapis excelsa)

In their follow-up to the NASA study, gardener's source Love The Garden reported that the Broadleaf Lady Palm could filter not just formaldehyde but also ammonia, a chemical found in cleaning products, and xylene, found in lubricants. As they're also good with humidity and thrive in low light, they're best placed in the bathroom.

Aloe vera

This succulent absorbs benzene and formaldehyde. As the gel inside also treats burns, keep this sun-loving plant on your kitchen windowsill. Aloe vera is another plant which emits oxygen throughout the night, simultaneously taking in carbon dioxide, leading to cleaner air in your household.

Chrysanthemum (Chrysantheium morifolium)

In NASA's study, this bright flowering plant was found to remove 61 per cent of formaldehyde, 41 per cent of trichloroethylene and 53 per cent of benzene from the room. Love The Garden say it also removes xylene and ammonia. Keep it in the living room (in bright sunlight) so its anti-polluting superpowers can be best put to use.

Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

NASA found that the resilient spider plant can remove 10mg of formaldehyde from a room per day. It's also said to filter xylene and carbon monoxide, making them the ideal choice for garages and sheds. They work best in cool temperatures and indirect sunlight.

English Ivy (Hedera helix)

As well as filtering out 90 per cent of benzene and 11 per cent of trichlorethylene in the NASA study, English ivy is believed to attract airborne particals of fecal matter and mold spores - making it the ideal plant for bathrooms and toilets. Keep the soil moist and give the plant at least four hours of direct sunlight daily for flourishing ivy.

Moth orchids (Phalaenopsis spp.)

Orchids give off more oxygen at night, so are a great addition to the bedroom; the moth orchid is also said to absorb toluene, which is found in nail polish. Orchids are also known for their ability to remove xylene from the air - so if someone you know has recently painted or redecorated their home, it's an excellent choice of gift.

Chinese evergreen (Aglaonema modestum)

This tropical plant, which thrives in low light and humidity, was found in the NASA study to reduce concentrations of benzene and formaldehyde. It's perfect for bathrooms: if the air is too dry, the tips of the leaves turn brown, so be sure occasionally mist its leaves.

Weeping fig (Ficus benjamina)

Weeping figs can remove 47 per cent of formaldehyde, 30 per cent of benzene and 11 per cent of trichlorethylene, according to NASA. Sensitive to drafts, this plant is best kept out of the hallway - but is ideal for living rooms. 

What is the easiest houseplant to grow?

For those of us who haven’t had a great history with houseplants in the past, you’ll not only be on the hunt for the easiest indoor plants to grow, but the hardest indoor plants to kill.

Though every plant on our list below falls into the easy-peasy category, aloe and Zamioculcas zamiifolia (ZZ) plants are widely considered most indestructible and readily-available plants on the market. Both species require very little water and thrive in low-light conditions, which make them great options for most environments. Spider plants and ponytail palms are similarly difficult to kill, but prefer bright light.

Where should you put plants in your house?

While most indoor plants will do well in indirect sunlight, the best spot for plant health and growth will depend on each species’ specific requirements. 

Plants that don’t require much sunlight, like air-purifying peace lilies, will be scorched if left on a hot window sill, where low-maintenance succulents would thrive. Familiarise yourself with each plant’s recommendations and adjust placement plans accordingly.

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This post originally appeared on The Telegraph and was published January 3, 2023. This article is republished here with permission.