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3 Simple Ways to Move More and Prevent Muscle Pain While Working From Home

Step 1: Swap your chair for a stability ball.


Read when you’ve got time to spare.

Woman sitting on stability ball using computer

Onfokus/Getty Images

If you’re part of the roughly 42% of U.S. workers who spent the better part of 2020 working remotely (and still are!), you know that there’s plenty to love about that WFH life. No commute, PJs all day, and you’re finally finding time to eat lunch in peace.

But one thing that probably hasn’t changed too much? You still spend most of the day sitting on your butt—and one study suggests that doing so at home may be even harder on your body than when you’re in the office. University of Cincinnati research revealed that many of our home office setups leave much to be desired; improper chair height and incorrect computer orientation were among the ergonomic missteps reported, all of which could lead to back, neck, and shoulder pain over time.

You already know that prolonged sitting, in general, is linked to things like back and neck pain, but it can lead to more serious issues like weaker bones, blood clots, and even obesity, diabetes, and heart trouble down the line.

But there’s good news: Getting enough physical activity can help mitigate all of those issues, plus limber you up and maybe even boost your mood. Try these sneaky ways to move more while you work—nobody on your Zoom call will know!

Swap out your chair.

Sitting on a stability ball forces you to sit up straight, which gives your core muscles a constant workout and helps improve posture. You can also gently bounce up and down throughout the day to sneak in extra movement.

Keep equipment nearby.

If you have room, consider a cardio-based contraption like the Prevention High Performance Under Desk Exercise Bike and pedal away the day. Or keep light dumbbells, loop resistance bands, a Pilates ring, or a jump rope at your desk to do arm, leg, or butt exercises or light cardio between (or—shhh—during) meetings.

Do a few reps during breaks.

Pauses throughout the day give your brain a rest and, if you work in front of a computer, give your eyes a break. Why not use this time to bust a few moves? Try air or wall squats, lunges, desk or floor push-ups, marching in place, planks, arm circles, or stretches to loosen your neck, hips, back, and shoulders—all areas that tense up with lengthy sitting.

Alyssa is a senior editor for the Hearst Health Newsroom, where she has written research-backed health content for Prevention, Good Housekeeping and Woman’s Day since 2017. She has more than 13 years of reporting and editing experience and previously worked as research chief at Reader’s Digest, where she was responsible for the website's health vertical as well as editing health content for the print magazine. She has also written for Chowhound, HealthiNation.com, Huffington Post and more.

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This post originally appeared on Prevention and was published April 26, 2021. This article is republished here with permission.

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