April Fools’ Day Might Be the World’s Longest-Running Joke. No One Knows How It BeganEver wonder where April Fools’ Day came from? Well, surprise! The joke’s on you. Nobody seems to know its true origins. Historians do have some clues, though.
5 April Fools’ Day Pranks That Backfired DisastrouslyThese wacky pranks had some unexpected consequences.
A Very Serious Study of the Practical JokeAt any given moment you could be accosted by a prankster — an agent of chaos. Here’s what you need to know.
Why Do We Call Pranks “Practical” Jokes?Every year on April Fools Day, you might find yourself the victim of a practical joke or two—getting drenched by the bucket of water over the door trick, maybe, or getting shocked by a buzzer when you shake someone's hand. But why are these jokes called practical?
Jesting Our Limits: Do April Fools’ Day Pranks Alienate or Engage People?Practical jokes and pranks serve to both test social bonds and bring groups together, researchers find
Gotcha! History’s Most Outrageous April Fools’ JokesLearn about these clever April Fools' Day hoaxes and pranks, including the famous Swiss spaghetti harvest.
Here Are the Best April Fools’ Day Pranks Ever, According to a Bunch of Kids in 1912“Ah ha ha ha!” you will undoubtedly say. “Hee hee hee!” you might add. No refunds.
On the Moral Virtues of Mischief and Mischievous PeopleMischievousness requires humor, wit and a playful humaneness: qualities that make for a particular kind of virtue.
Further Reading: 10 Stories of Epic Pranks and Legendary HoaxesFrom the man who “invented” the toaster to the origin of rickrolling.