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Gamechangers: How Athletes Are Reshaping the Way We Talk About Mental Health

High-profile sports figures who are speaking out about mental health issues are shifting the cultural conversation around anxiety, depression, and the acute pressures of elite competition.

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Naomi Osaka: ‘It’s O.K. Not to Be O.K.’

Naomi Osaka

“Life is a journey. In the past few weeks, my journey took an unexpected path but one that has taught me so much and helped me grow. I learned a couple of key lessons.”

Letter to My Younger Self

Anna Cockrell
The Players' Tribune

“You’ll realize that you can’t perform and grind and hustle your way out of a problem instead of dealing with it. That kind of recklessness has its own consequences.”

How This Olympic Athlete Takes on Depression [WATCH]

PBS Voices

This short documentary tells the story of Olympic shot putter Raven Saunders, the intensity of her 2016 Olympic experience, her childhood trauma, and the pitfalls of celebrity that challenged her mental health.

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