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8 Great Summer Camp Stories

Scratch your nostalgia itch with this collection of great long reads about the loved and loathed summer ritual of going to summer camp.

Pocket Collections

Read when you’ve got time to spare.


Summer looks a lot different this year with many sleepaway camps shuttered amid the coronavirus pandemic. But summer camp memories—whether glorious or traumatic—last a lifetime. Scratch your nostalgia itch with this collection of great long reads about the loved and loathed summer ritual.


I Went To A Summer Camp For Adults And It Was Weird

Scaachi KoulBuzzFeed

There were open bars, Slip’n Slide competitions, and hookups, but trying to recapture childhood can turn dark really fast.


The Gooey Story of S’mores

Rebecca RuppNational Geographic

The classic dessert’s long yet vague history, dates back at least to 1927 when a recipe appeared for the more formally designated “some mores.”


15 Classic Summer-Camp Movies, Ranked From Worst to Best

Brian MoylanVulture

Summer-camp movies are less about applying bug spray, and more about like-minded people banding together to make something impossible and wonderful happen.


My Daughter Went Away to Camp and Changed

John DickersonSlate

The best moments of childhood—the memories that stay with you into adulthood—are ones where your parents aren’t there.


How I Lost My Faith at a Boot Camp for Christian Kids

Leanna MoxleyNarratively

At twelve years old I was sent away for one long hot summer of obediently serving the Lord. But instead of finding God, I discovered my rebellious streak.


What Happens to Your Marriage When Your Kids Go to Camp

MZ GoodmanCup of Jo

Curious about the parents’ point of view? “I’m alone with my husband for the first time in 10 years.”


Dickens in Eden

Jill LeporeThe New Yorker

What would Charles Dickens say if he knew that two hundred and sixty people had given up a precious week of summer vacation just to talk about him?


What Happened to All the Scary Stories at Summer Camp?

Heather SchwedelSlate

Camp and ghost stories used to just go together. But the tradition seems to be increasingly rare at American summer camps.


How was it? Save stories you love and never lose them.

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This post originally appeared on Pocket Collections and was published July 13, 2019. This article is republished here with permission.