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Everything We’re Reading About the Big, Stuck Boat

Story of the week: How a massive container ship got stuck in the Suez Canal, what it means for world trade, and why there are so many boat memes.

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The world is watching as dredgers and tugboats work to dislodge a massive container ship from Egypt’s Suez Canal, the vital waterway connecting the Mediterranean and Red seas. The Ever Given—which is more than 1,300 feet long and weighs more than 200,000 metric tons—ran aground during a sandstorm on March 23, blocking the entire length of the canal. 

Shipping experts say it could take days or weeks to dislodge the gargantuan vessel from the canal, with massive ripple effects for the world economy. An estimated $3 billion in goods passing through the canal every day. Hundreds of ships are currently stuck on either side of the Ever Given carrying everything from crude oil to auto parts to instant coffee.

The flow of Internet memes, however, remains very much unimpeded. Despite all its weighty implications, the sight of the massive, helpless ship has launched a thousand online jokes. Read on to learn more about how the Ever Given stuck, what it will take to get the ship unstuck, and why so many people are obsessed with the big, stuck boat.

What’s Up With the Big, Stuck Boat?


Explainer: What We Know About the Ship Blocking the Suez Canal

Isabel DebreAssociated Press

Over its 150-year history, Egypt’s Suez Canal has seen wars and crises — but nothing quite like the stranding of the Ever Given.

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How Did a Ship Get Stuck in the Suez Canal?

Miriam Berger, Júlia Ledur and Adam TaylorThe Washington Post

A sandstorm reportedly hit the more than 1,300-foot Ever Given, decreasing visibility and battering the ship with heavy winds.

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The Wild Logistics of Getting a Giant Cargo Ship Out of the Suez Canal

Alex ChristianWired UK

The Ever Given is stuck in one of the world’s most vital waterways. This is how the vessel – and global trade – can be salvaged.


Why Does the Big, Stuck Boat Matter?


Why a Canal Built in 1869 is More Important Than Ever

Robert TuttleBloomberg

About 12 percent of world trade passes through the canal each year, everything from crude oil to grains to instant coffee.

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How That Massive Container Ship Stuck in the Suez Canal Is Already Costing the World Billions of Dollars

Joseph HincksTime

Vessel tracking data showed that some container ships had already started redirecting around the African Cape, a route that can add two weeks of journey length.

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In Suez Canal, Stuck Ship Is a Warning About Excessive Globalization

Peter S. GoodmanThe New York Times

The shutdown of the vital waterway and its impact on trade underscore the world’s reliance on global supply chains.

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I’ve Sailed the Suez Canal on a Cargo Ship – It’s No Wonder the Ever Given Got Stuck

Rose GeorgeThe Guardian

Researching the global shipping industry, I saw how modern mega-vessels offer the efficiency consumers demand, at a price.


Why Are We Obsessed with the Big, Stuck Boat?

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A Massive Ship Is Stuck in the Suez Canal, Disrupting Trade and Inspiring Hilarious Memes

Jariel ArvinVox

The ship memes, they are good.

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The Big, Stuck Boat Is Glorious

Amanda MullThe Atlantic

“I’m obsessed with the dang boat because people like me and you are not really supposed to be aware of what boats like her are up to.”

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How to Track the Big Stuck Boat

Sean O'KaneThe Verge

Incredibly, there is no live stream (or even an old-school webcam), so you’ll have to get a bit creative.


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This post originally appeared on Pocket Collections and was published March 26, 2021. This article is republished here with permission.