Think back to the last time the internet brought you joy. We want to put more of those moments at your fingertips—whether it’s a favorite podcast episode, heartwarming personal essay, or reliably fantastic recipe. So we’re introducing a series of Joy Lists from writers, artists, and people we admire.
Every week, fans around the world rush to stream the latest episode of Roman Mars’ 99% Invisible, the podcast about the unnoticed architecture and design that shape our world. But when it comes to Mars’ own listening habits—or media diet in general—latest isn’t always best.
When we asked Mars, who recently published The 99% Invisible City: A Field Guide to the Hidden World of Everyday Design, to share a collection of some of his go-to podcasts, movies, and songs, there was a common theme: Repetition. He explains:
“My favorite things, especially when it comes to music, are the ones I don’t really grab onto the first time I encounter them. But then, I slowly begin to like them. They create some kind of itch in my brain. Anything I love instantly, I get bored of. But when it’s a mix of challenge and comfort, I will keep coming back to it.”
Read on for what made his repeat-worthy list.
Roman Mars
Roman Mars is creator and host of 99% Invisible, the wildly popular podcast exploring architecture and design, for which he produced the most successful crowdfunding campaigns for a podcast in Kickstarter history. Fast Company named Mars one of the 100 Most Creative People in 2013 and he was a TED main stage speaker in 2015. His first book, The 99% Invisible City: A Field Guide to the Hidden World of Everyday Design, came out in October 2020.