Dr Nancy Malik

2090 days ago

Adrenal glands are stress supervisors. They release anti-stress hormone Cortisol which suppresses the release of the body’s “feel good” hormone Serotonin, amplifying the anxiety and also augmenting depression, as well as Melatonin, the hormone related to sleep. Adrenal glands are responsible for the “fright, fight & flight” response of our bodies. It is these glands which feel the maximum punch of nervous tension. Adrenal fatigue is a collection of symptoms such as body ache, fatigue (not relieved by sleep), nervousness, sleeplessness and digestive problems. Nux vomica (homeopathic medicine) restores this miserably imbalanced state of affairs.

Adrenal Fatigue and its Homeopathic Restore


Stress (or distress) comes stealthily in our life and creates great havoc in our body and mind. For some, stress means combating everyday traffic to get to work, for others it signifies getting the kids ready in time for school.