Rachel Strohm

737 days ago

To this day I haven’t been able to shake the glory of that moment. After all, I’m a Black American, and Black Americans aren’t American citizens. Any civil rights you supposedly have evaporate in the presence of the police. If you do not humbly and docilely submit to their will, they are afforded the privilege of ruining your life by charging you with a crime, physically brutalizing you, or, if they so choose, killing you for no reason. They will face no repercussions for doing any of these things. I witnessed a Turkish Muslim stand his ground against white police officers and come away victorious. Never in my life had I felt that powerful, and I haven’t felt that powerful since.

Notes From The Underground


A bald giant wearing an earpiece swung the door open. We slipped past him and crossed a large empty room covered in graffiti murals of koi fish and dragons. That was when I became aware of the bass. It leaked out from corners and cracks and crevasses.