Eve Massacre

1518 days ago

Snapchat AR tech as military recruitment tool and the presence of militarism in everyday life.
"As well as an insidious recruitment technique, the digital overlay of a naval porthole onto my bed sheets, or a militarized facial mask on my skin, is a minor re-orientation towards this contextual and pervasive reality of everyday militarisms. Militarisms are here, all around us, in our workplaces and bedrooms, in the technology in our palms, in the atmospheres we inhale, and in places thought to be as private as our skin and guts."

Selfies and Submarines: The Social Media of Military Recruitment


or the first time in ten years, I recently visited my extended family and noticed two new tattoos on the forearm of a cousin. They’re fairly abstract: one is a dotted arrangement of tiny black squares; above it, a squished arrow.