Edward Tay

2168 days ago

Six Dimensions of Humor
1) Naughty
2) Clever
3) Cute
4) Bizarre
5) Mean
6) Recognizable

Humor is only one layer that a writer must consider. To produce good writing you need to simultaneously balance about… oh, eighteen layers of technique at the same time. Luckily, most of this happens as an automatic process.

Writing Layers
1. Logic
2. Timing
3. Messenger matches message
4. Usefulness
5. Reading level
6. Conversational style
7. Flow
8. Humor
9. Branding (of the author)
10. Intelligence (write slightly smarter than the reader)
11. Interest
12. Relevance
13. Tense (past, current, future)
14. Whose point of view?
15. Editing (grammar, spelling, vocabulary)
16. Emotion
17. Hypnosis layer (this is just me)
18. musically

Humor Writing Tutorial


Probably harder than it looks. I think of the writing process as having about eighteen layers. And one of those layers has six dimensions. If you get any of it wrong, your writing lays on the side of the road like a squirrel that had a bad day last week.