Matt Walton (Daka Sky)

1384 days ago

In Chinese Medicine there are generally 2 types of low libido/impotence.

Loosely, one is actual deficiency of reproductive "fire" (Yang), as commonly seen in older/elderly populations.

The other is the *much* more common (at least in my clinical experience) "Stagnation of Qi" (function) type.

Besides poor diet and stress, the primary cause of this Stagnation is "unfulfilled desires/expectations". This psychosomatic pattern has been recognized for centuries.

And is in essence precisely what this article is describing.

While we still treat the root of the concern (in these cases relationships/lifestyle/mental health - my particular areas of expertise) we almost always loosen things up or thaw things from the subconscious through the use of acupuncture & ancient herbal formulas.

In fact in my experience it's even quite common for libido issues to manifest as even physical complaints such as yeast infections or pain during sex when in reality it's often signals that your physical body is "rejecting" aspects of your partner - these are almost always "sequela" of Qi Stagnation and easily predictable.

Interesting stuff!

It's obviously a wide topic - what are your thoughts in this more vulnerable topic? ?

It's Not Low Libido : A Psychologist On 7 Issues Often Confused For Low Libido

Kelly Gonsalves is a sex educator, relationship coach, and journalist. She received her journalism degree from Northwestern University, and her writings on sex, relationships, identity, and wellness have appeared at The Cut, Vice, Teen Vogue, Cosmopolitan, and elsewhere.